OS/2 eZine - http://www.os2ezine.com
16 December 2001
Robert Basler is the president of Aurora Systems, Inc. and a dedicated OS/2 user since he tired of rebooting Windows 3.1 twenty times a day.

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OS/2 Netlabs.  Open source software for OS/2.

A New Year's Resolution for the eZine Reader

Looking for a new year's resolution? How about this:

I will write one OS/2 related article this year.

Be it for OS/2 Voice, one of the OS/2 portals, or the OS/2 eZine, if all of our readers take this to heart, there will be over ten times as many new OS/2 articles on the web this year. More importantly, our regular contributors will have a bit less to do.

But I Can't Write!

It doesn't matter. If you can research your article idea and organize the information a bit, our editors can work with you to make you sound like a professional writer.

I Don't Know What to Write About

You use OS/2 don't you? Share your experiences with OS/2 products in the form of reviews. Solve a tough problem? Make a how-to. Know someone who is doing something cool? Interview them about it. The articles don't have to be long to be good. Still don't know what to write? Have a look at the eZine Pressroom for a list of article ideas.

I Just Don't Have the Time

An article can take as little as an hour to put together. Longer or more complicated articles maybe 4 or 5. Take one evening out of your year, skip a few reruns, and put some of your thoughts on paper. The OS/2 community will appreciate your effort.

It Really Is Up To You

The OS/2 eZine is a community effort. Without the support of its readership, it will undoubtedly become like so many other OS/2 websites, static museums to the past success of OS/2. We have a few great people who work hard and contribute to the eZine regularly, and a few more who put in occasional articles, but from time to time we need to find new talent. With a new year dawning, that time is now.

Ready to Start?

Email editor@aurora-systems.com to get started.

Robert Basler
Editor in Chief

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