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October 16, 2002
Jeffery S. Wolven is a 1997 graduate of DeVry in Irving, TX and currently works for a telecommunications company in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area.

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CommuniGate Pro - Advanced Messaging NOW for OS/2

My Warped Thinking

The title doesn't say it, but everything today is about money. Maybe like you I'm a home OS/2 user that would love to have a multi-million dollar IT budget. Could this be the reason IBM will not compete for a share of the home market with OS/2 based systems? I've been using my OS/2 based computer since October 1996 when the funding was available. I needed the computer while attending DeVry in Irving, TX for my last few terms and beyond. The bonus pak from Warp 3 was the main selling point for buying Warp. I needed IBM Works to write reports for my course work so I would not have to stay in DeVry's computer lab for a few hours after class. I had to work also to pay the bills. (I know many have lived this way as well.)

New Software?

As my use of this machine increased, I needed software that I couldn't find in stores. So what if new software isn't coming like a train carrying gold from Ft. Knox. Has anyone, including me, sat down and really tried the bonus pak programs to the fullest? And shown the programs to others? For example I did try to use IBM's Internet Connection Phone (ICP). However there was no server that the program needed to run available. IBM has since ceased its support of ICP. (You may still get ICP from the Program Sampler CD that came with Warp 4.) That's just one example out of the many programs in both (Warp 3 and 4) bonus paks. Registering does help in letting software firms know their programs are being used. However, the fees are sometimes out of my reach due to a lack of funds. Even before this economy we are having.

Hardware Frenzy

Since my system is over five years old, it maybe time for an upgrade. The last thing I upgraded was the memory to 64MB from the original 16MB. The plan at the time was to max it to 128MB but the other 64MB SIMMS were fried and the 16MB didn't work anymore for some reason. In order to know what to upgrade, I will have to conduct an evaluation of my current and future needs (and wants). I'll let you know later of the results in a future issue. Peripherals are the main problem. For example I have two printers: a Panasonic 9-pin dot matrix and a Lexmark color inkjet. Which to use and/or keep is a hard decision. The dot matrix printer still works and ribbons for it are available. That's why I still hang on to it.


This needs more consideration. Do I want to use a dial-up service like Earthlink has or cable from AT&T and the like? (I did use Earthlink until December 2001 when the price went up and broke my budget.) I think faxing would make dial-up practical again.


As long as we continue to use OS/2 and programs written for it, why worry about what others may think or use? The latest software and hardware may not be the greatest, even if it's OS/2 friendly. Show off your current system and see what happens.

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