The SWAPPATH command points to the directory and determines the size of the swapper.dat file. The swapper.dat file stores currently unused blocks of RAM. This is done to increase your available memory.
To enable swapping the
command must be set to SWAP.
SWAPPATH=Path MinFree InitSize
Default settings:
Path can be
any path to the swapper.dat file
Default =
The Minfree parameter defines the minimum available free space that the swapper.dat file can grow to before it stops consuming disk space. If you set it, for example, to 1024 the swapper.dat file can grow until the free space remaining is 1024 Kbytes.
Minfree can be in the range from
512 to 32767
Minfree is expressed in Kbytes.
The InitSize parameter sets the starting size of the swapper.dat file. The file can grow but the file will never be smaller than the initsize. To find out a good value for initsize, start some big applications and work with them. From time to time, check the size of the swapper.dat file. Take the biggest value you see and add 10% to determine the initsize parameter.
InitSize is expressed in Kbytes.
See the examples below.
If you would like your swapper.dat file to be in the C:\Swap directory, start with a size of 40 megabytes and stop growing at a free space of 2 megabytes, enter this line in your config.sys file:
SWAPPATH=C:\SWAP 40960 2048
Platform Support:
OS/2 2.x
| OS/2 3.0
| OS/2 4.0
| Yes
| Yes